"Abakanowicz at Thomas Masters" --[Magdalena Korybska, from Chicago for malarze.com
 I could imagine how difficult it is to stand out of the crowd today. Many times I heard stories about some happy coincidences in artistic life, seldom about somebody’s brilliance. However, it would be the best situation when we could find one and another, and this happened to Magdalena Abakanowicz. >> more
"Walking Among Giants" --[Magdalena Korybska, from Chicago for malarze.com
 It makes you proud when being so far away from home, suddenly people start saying only superlatives about your country. Such a situation happened to me last November, when Mrs. Magdalena Abakanowicz was opening her new installation in Grant Park in Chicago. >> more
"Shepherd by Eugeniusz Zak in the Art Institute of Chicago" --[Magdalena Korybska, from Chicago for malarze.com
Eugeniusz Zak was born in Mohylno on the December 15, 1884. Few years later his family had moved to Warsaw, where he finished the school of commerce. In 1902 Zak went to Paris to study at Ecole des Beaux-Arts, in studios of Jean-Leon Gérôme and Albert Bernard. He traveled a lot. He took a trip to Rome, Milan, Florence and Pisa. In Munich he met Vasily Kandinsky, Leopold Gottlieb and Alfons Karpinski, who became his great friends till the end of his life. >> more
"Polish Museum of America in Chicago" --[Magdalena Korybska, from Chicago for malarze.com
 After a few difficult discussions spanning several years, the Polish Museum of America was founded in 1937 in Chicago at the Polish Roman Catholic Union. Its primary goal was gathering historical documents from Poland and Polonia for study by future generations to evoke respect for Poles in America. >> more
"The Work Wouldn't Make Sense if All the Best Had Already Been Painted." --[Jakub Paczek speaking with Anna Fornelska.
Juliusz Joniak once said about Anna Fornelska, "She holds the key to the to the secret garden".
Indeed, in her artwork we can feel indescribable atmosphere, showing the artist's passion and some kind of secret she wants to announce to the audience through very sophisticated artistic and colour form of her paintings. Anna Fornelska's fantasy still seems to have no limits and is still proved by her newest paintings. >> more